Vestnik Otdelenia nauk o Zemle RAN, VOL. 5, NZ7001, doi:10.2205/2013NZ000119, 2012

Academician Alexander Mikhailov
(to the 125th anniversary)

A. V. Kozenko

Institute od Physics of the Earth RAS, Moscow, Russia


The article is devoted to the 125th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian scientist, Academician Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Mikhailov.

Received 20 June 2013; published 5 July 2013.

Citation: Kozenko A. V. (2013), Academician Alexander Mikhailov (to the 125th anniversary), Vestn. Otd. nauk Zemle, 5, NZ7001, doi:10.2205/2013NZ000119.

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