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Vestnik Otdelenia nauk o Zemle RAN VOL. 3, NZ6092, doi:10.2205/2011NZ000222, 2011

Experimental study of systems alkaline silicate melt - low concentrated water-sulphate fluid at T=1250oC and P=2 kbar

N. I. Suk, A. R. Kotelnikov

Received 5 July 2011; accepted 19 September 2011; published 17 October 2011.

Keywords: alkaline magmatic systems, water-salt fluid, melt.

Suk N. I., A. R. Kotelnikov (2011), Experimental study of systems alkaline silicate melt - low concentrated water-sulphate fluid at T=1250oC and P=2 kbar, Vestn. Otd. nauk Zemle, 3, NZ6092, doi:10.2205/2011NZ000222.

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