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Vestnik Otdelenia nauk o Zemle RAN VOL. 3, NZ6099, doi:10.2205/2011NZ000229, 2011

Experimental study of the ZrO2 solubility in water solutions of perchloric acid at 150oC

N. D. Shikina, O. N. Medvedkina, E. S. Popova, R. B. Tagirov, Yu. K. Shazzo, I. L. Khodakovsky,

Received 5 July 2011; accepted 19 September 2011; published 17 October 2011.

Keywords: zirconium dioxide, solubility, aqueous solutions, hydroxide complexes

Shikina N. D., O. N. Medvedkina, E. S. Popova, R. B. Tagirov, Yu. K. Shazzo, I. L. Khodakovsky (2011), Experimental study of the ZrO2 solubility in water solutions of perchloric acid at 150oC, Vestn. Otd. nauk Zemle, 3, NZ6099, doi:10.2205/2011NZ000229.

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