Vestnik Otdelenia nauk o Zemle RAN, VOL. 4, NZ5001, doi:10.2205/2012NZ000113, 2012

Main features of seismic process, 2011–2012, in Tyva Republic (prognostic aspect)

A. A. Nikonov, N. S. Medvedeva, S. V. Shvarev, L. D. Fleifel

Institute of Physics of the Earth RAS, Moscow, Russia


Main features of burst of seismic activity in south-east Tyva Republic are characterized on the background of seismicity of the region for epy XX century. Observed period of 4 months included two main shocks, M 6.7 and M 6.8, with two-month interval and corresponding aftershocks trains. Two peculiarities of the process are pointed out, namely a linear occurrence of shocks along a fault of north-west–south-east direction (1) and origin of seismic quiescence before main shocks and prior to swarms of aftershocks. Chronology of seismic process is described, as well some prognostic waiting for after the 2nd main shock of 26.02.2012. Also long-term expectations as to concern with future events are outlined. General conclusions of seismological sense are given finally.

Received 18 May 2012; published 14 June 2012.

Citation: Nikonov A. A., N. S. Medvedeva, S. V. Shvarev, L. D. Fleifel (2012), Main features of seismic process, 2011–2012, in Tyva Republic (prognostic aspect), Vestn. Otd. nauk Zemle, 4, NZ5001, doi:10.2205/2012NZ000113.

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